Estaremos generosamente sorteando nuestro Fun Fascinator - Modern Style que ves en las fotos de arriba valorado en $15.
Síguenos acá (BLOG)
We are generously offered this Fun Fascinator - Modern Style that you see on the pictures on top , $15 value.
Go to MOHENZ store and leave a comment on what do you prefer from there and what would you like to see in our creations. Non-bloggers may also enter, but please leave your email address with your comment. (This way it will be easier to find you in case you win)
Follow us here (BLOG)
The Contest will be from Today, October 30 to Friday, November 5th, 2010. Te winner will be announced here on this blog on Saturday, the 6th, at 3:00 PM (Central Time) MOHENZ Ships international so everybody is welcome to participate!