Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Brilliant idea: ❤ Send love to your LOVE!❤


❤ Give it to your secret love with a ROMANTIC note
❤ OMG! Please be a unique Husband, your wife will be crazy about you.
❤ Give it to your mom or aunt or your best friend, she diserve it!
❤ Is a lovely gift for a lovely daugther. Just like us! Ha ha
Finally, why not for yourself? Be your own valentine.

SAVE 10% OFF Ends Feb 14, 2012 CODE: MYVALENTINE

Remember that you can have it by postal mail $5.00 Local PR and USA $10 International.
Or Pick it up at our studio @ bayamón Puerto Rico.

For information of time for an order to get ready and shipping visit here
Translate in english (On top - Google translate)  for easy understanding

Wednesday, January 25, 2012



Este año será muy emocionante para nosotras ya que tenemos muchas ideas ya organizadas para poder compartir lo que amamos hacer y inspirarte. Nos daría alegría verte conectada a nuestro pronto nuevo blog y nuestra página de facebook  para que participes junto a muchas otras fans de mohenz y poder ser parte de nuestro grandioso año. Este año lo hemos llamado SHARE the LOVE y la idea es animarte a que compartas en nuestro facebook wall las cosas que amas, pueden ser variedad de cosas, música, artes, fotografía, pensamientos, todo lo que ames y cause una impresión positiva en tu vida. ¡Ahora si que si! que comienze el año 2012. ❤ NUESTRO AMOR HACIA USTEDES

This year will be very exciting for us because we have already organized many ideas to share what we love to do and inspire you. We would be glad to see you connected to our soon new blog and our facebook page for you to take along with many other fans mohenz and to be part of our great year. This year we have called Share the Love and the idea is to encourage you to share on our facebook wall the things you love, can be variety of things, music, art, photography, thoughts, everything you love and make a positive impression on your life. Let's start a new beginning at 2012. ❤ Our Love for you!
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